Sunday, December 12, 2010


Todayy, todayy :)
Ehh, not much happened..
No, wait..i think i said that already..
Re-cap of sleepover at Sabrina's
When i first got there, Shasha and Intan came down..
Shasha smelled soooo floury :P
She said "HI, We had a flour fight"
Me: Uh. Hi.. ;)
THENN, when i got up to sabrina's room, everyone was like dripping wet and had flour all over them, i felt a teenyweeny bit left out! :P JKK, i was like FORGET YOUUUUU :D
Then, Shasha left..then intan left..then RACHEL LEFTTTT DDDDDDDD:
She was like pretending to be strong and all but she ended up tearing up in the lift :(
Later, she wrote on my wall: U win. I cried in the car.
Me, sabrina and mahalia were crying too :'(
ALSOOOO, she let us keep her football pictures :D
Well, gotta give her back next time she comes.
Hope She Forgets ;P
SOOOO, we made a video.
It took so long and sabrina kept replaying the video -.-'
LOLL, we also made a name: L.E.F
Legendary- Sabrina
Epic- Me
Failure- Mahalia
Then, i was like who can be the T? You know, L.E.F.T?
Sabrina says: Uh..rachel can be the toilet :P
so yeah, thats us. L.E.F.T xx
after alllllll that, we helped mahalia make a blog :P
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, im not supposed to say some parts of what happened when mahalia was making her blog.
I DID say it in the rachel's leaving video but sabrina and mahalia CENSORED it -.-' XP

Me And Sabrina: EEPPP, thats the blondie. thats the blondieeee! :O
Mahalia: Is he gay? He look soooo gay..
Me and sabrina: NOO :P
I think the sister heard me ..i felt bad :/
We had a photoshoot in the playground and pool and trampoline..
THEN we swam :)
We met a REALLY mean person there. HMPH.
Pshtt, we didn't even do anything and she was like rolling her eyes at us etc.etc.
u dont wanna know =.=

I went home, so i dont know what else sabs and mahalia did x

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